infrastructure businesses1
people every day rely on the infrastructure in which we invest2
people employed or contracted by our infrastructure assets3
Investing for the future
Ageing infrastructure, demographic changes, digitalisation and the impacts of climate change require long-term investment in essential infrastructure to meet the needs of communities.
We create, invest in, and operate infrastructure assets across the energy, utility, transportation, digital, waste management and social sectors to unlock the capital required to maintain, upgrade and build the infrastructure of the future.
Digitalisation is transforming the way we work, interact and travel, demanding greater data storage capacity and faster connectivity.
Through the assets we manage, we are upgrading digital infrastructure by rolling out resilient fibre broadband, building data centres and fostering digital inclusion by connecting communities.
The impacts of climate change on communities and economies requires investment in adaptable and resilient infrastructure.
We’re working to deliver enduring value by future-proofing our assets, unlocking efficiencies and creating compelling investment opportunities in technologies and businesses at the heart of the energy transition.
Recent insights
For more information about our infrastructure capabilities
^ IPE Real Assets 2024 Top 100 Infrastructure Investment Managers 2024, published in July/August 2024. The ranking is the opinion of IPE Real Assets and not Macquarie. No such person creating the ranking is affiliated with Macquarie or is an investor in Macquarie-sponsored vehicles. IPE Real Assets surveyed and ranked global infrastructure investment managers. The ranking is based on infrastructure AUM as at 31 March 2024. AUM is defined by IPE Real Assets as the total gross asset value of all assets managed and committed capital (including uncalled). There can be no assurance that other providers or surveys would reach the same conclusions as the foregoing.
1. As at 30 September 2024.
2. As at 31 March 2023. Number of people reached is calculated by taking an estimate of the number of users for all MAM Real Assets portfolio companies. Examples include a specific toll road where the number of vehicles per day has been multiplied by the average number of passengers in a vehicle (average passengers in a vehicle is ~2, not dependent on country); a particular power generation asset where the amount of GWh it generates per year is divided by the average power consumption in the country where the asset is located. Portfolio company data is collected from MAM’s asset management teams on a bi-annual basis.
3. As at 30 September 2024. Number of employees and contractors associated with MAM infrastructure assets.