
Macquarie Income Opportunities Fund

Clear philosophy

Focus on preserving capital and managing liquidity

Flexible strategy

Potential for attractive returns across different market conditions


Monthly distributions, potential to outperform cash

Macquarie Income Opportunities Fund

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Fund facts  
Investment objective The Macquarie Income Opportunities Fund aims to outperform the Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index# (Benchmark) over the medium term (before fees). It also aims to provide higher income returns than traditional cash investments regardless of interest rates or economic cycles
Benchmark Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index
Portfolio managers
Brett Lewthwaite, David Hanna, Andrew Vonthethoff
Inception date 18 September 2003
Fund size A$2,897.1m (current as at 31 December 2024)
Management fee 0.492% pa of the net asset value of the Fund 
Minimum investment $A20,000
Distribution frequency Generally monthly
APIR code MAQ0277AU
Target Market Determination The Target Market Determination (TMD), available at, includes a description of the class of consumers for whom the Fund is likely to be consistent with their objectives, financial situation and needs.

View TMD

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Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

The performance information shown above may differ to the information in the performance report due to rounding.

* Inception date is 18 September 2003.

** Total net returns are quoted after the deduction of all fees and expenses. Total returns are calculated based on changes in net asset values and assumes the reinvestment of distributions. Due to individual investor circumstances, your net returns may differ.

*** The Benchmark is the Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index.


All investments carry risk. Different investments carry different levels of risk, depending on the investment strategy and the underlying investments. Generally, the higher the potential return of an investment, the greater the risk (including the potential for loss and unit price variability over the short or long term). The risks of investing in this Fund include:

Investment risk: The Fund seeks to generate higher income returns than traditional cash investments. The risk of an investment in the Fund is higher than an investment in a typical bank account or term deposit. Amounts distributed to unitholders may fluctuate, as may the Fund’s unit price, by material amounts over short periods.

Manager risk: There is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its performance objectives, produce returns that are positive, or compare favourably against its peers, or that the strategies or models used by the Investment Manager will produce favourable outcomes.

Income securities risk: The Fund may have exposure to a range of income securities. The value of these securities may fall, for example due to market volatility, interest rate movements, perceptions of credit quality, supply and demand pressures, a change to the reference rate used to set the value of interest payments, market sentiment, or issuer default.

More information on the risks of investing in the Fund is contained in the Product Disclosure Statement, which should be considered before deciding to invest in the Fund.

Before you can proceed, please answer some questions to help determine if you are likely to be within the target market for any of the Funds based on your responses. The Funds available will be based on the attributes you select.


Macquarie Asset Management
Client Service


PO Box R1723
Royal Exchange,
NSW 1225, Australia

For enquiries call

Toll free: 1800 814 523
International: +61 2 8245 4900
Monday – Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm (Sydney time)

Find out more about the Macquarie Income Opportunities Active ETF (Managed Fund)