Important information

PT Macquarie Sekuritas Indonesia

General information

Name, address, phone number

Indonesia Stock Exchange Building Tower I, Fl. 8th
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta Selatan 12190
Ph. +62-21-2598 8300
Fax: +62-21-515 1212

Brief history

PT Macquarie Sekuritas Indonesia (the Company ), was established on 15 May 1990 based on the Notarial Deed of Ny. Siti Pertiwi Henny Shidki, S.H. No. 290. The Articles of Association were approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia in its Decision Letter No. C2-3546.HT.01.01.TH.90 dated 16 September 1990 and was published in Supplement No. 2355 of State Gazette of the
Republic of Indonesia No. 62 dated 2 August 1991.

The Company's scope of activities includes shares underwriting and broking activities.

The Company obtained its underwriting and brokerage licenses from BAPEPAM-LK (now Financial Services Authority) through its Decision Letter No. KEP-42/PM/1992 and KEP- 43/PM/1992, respectively dated 19 February 1992. The Company started its commercial operation in February 1992.

The Company's Articles of Association have been amended from time to time, the latest by Notarial Deed of H. Arief Afdal, SH, M.Kn No. 35 dated 27 July 2023 concerning financial year change. This amendment has been accepted and recorded by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia through its Decision Letter No. AHU-AH-01.03-0098462 dated 28 July 2023.

Organizational structure

Board profile

Board of Commissioner

Sam Fabian Fay - Commissioner

Appointed as Commissioner of the company on 18 October 2016 and have worked with Macquarie Group since 2008 with the latest position as Cash Equities Business Manager.

Andang Taruna – Independent Comissioner

Joined Macquarie Indonesia in 2020 and has more than 20 years of experience in Indonesian capital market. Andang has worked with several companies in the past including Nikko Securities Indonesia.

Board of Directors

Stanley Dunda - President Director

Joined Macquarie Indonesia in 2007 and has more than 20 years of experience in Indonesian capital market. Stanley has worked with several companies in the past including JP Morgan Indonesia.

Emilia Lazaro - Director

Joined Macquarie Indonesia in 2012 and has more than 20 years of experience in Indonesian capital market. Emilia has worked with several companies in the past including DBS Vickers Securities Indonesia.

Anita Budi Susanti - Director

Joined Macquarie Indonesia in 2003 and has more than 20 years of experience in Indonesian capital market. Anita has worked with several companies in the past including ING Securities.

Information on license holder

All Directors and staffs that need to have individual license (WPPE or WPEE) have acquired the necessary license to perform their roles as regulated by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Please contact us for details on our license holders.

Information for client

Financial statement

Download here

GMS resolution

Latest Circular Resolutions in lieu of AGMS: 28 June 2024

Customer complaint reporting

Complaints could be submitted verbally or in writing, and will be followed up and resolved in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. In the event that PT Macquarie Sekuritas Indonesia needs supporting documents for the verbal complaint submitted, we may require you to submit the complaint in writing, including the required supporting documents. Complaints could be submitted via:
Telp : +62-21-2598-8300
Email : relevant sales and traders

Swipe for more
No Financial transaction type Completed In process Not completed Number of complaint in total
Total Percentage Total Percentage Total Percentage
1 Stock Broker-Dealer 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0
Total 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0

Governance related information

Board guideline

Board members have governance guidelines that must be complied with, which contain the responsibilities, duties and authorities of the board members, as well as meetings and reporting of the board members.

Code of Conduct

The company follows Macquarie Group Code of Conduct which is available here.

Policy on Risk Management

PT Macquarie Sekuritas Indonesia has established a Risk Appetite Statement which contains risk limits and risk tolerance in accordance with 8 types of risk based on OJK Regulation Number 21/POJK.04/2021. In principle, we will not carry out activities that exceed the Company's risk limits such as:

  • Activity contradictory to the prevailing laws, regulations and norms;
  • Activity possibly causing the Company’s capital to be inadequate;
  • Activity possibly giving rise to bad reputation of the Company and Macquarie Group.

Policy on Compliance

Compliance is an independent function responsible for ensuring that all Compliance Risks are appropriately assessed and managed. A core principle at Macquarie is that risk is owned at the business level, with business heads responsible for identifying risks within their businesses and ensuring that they are managed appropriately.

The Compliance Division enables business management to fulfil these supervisory responsibilities by establishing a robust and effective compliance framework, and by performing an advisory, training and monitoring role in respect of the compliance risks arising from Macquarie’s business activities.

Our Mission is to protect Macquarie’s reputation by partnering with Macquarie businesses and other control functions to develop viable business solutions in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and codes of conduct, and that reflect Macquarie’s goals and values.

Policy on Internal Audit

Internal Audit (IAD) provides independent assurance to board of the company on the adequacy and effectiveness of the financial and risk management framework.

IAD achieves this through the application of a risk based audit methodology to review the internal controls within the Macquarie Group. The methodology incorporates planning, execution, reporting, and follow up & clearance of agreed management actions.

Audits occur at varying frequencies depending on the inherent risk rating of the business. Audit findings are reported directly to the management of the company.

Special notation, stock list in acceleration board and securities in watch list

As part of market information and protection for investors, IDX provides information on several issuers with certain conditions as follows:

  1. Stocks with special notation (
  2. Stocks on the acceleration board (
  3. Securities in watch list (