Macquarie Group

Supporting climate solutions

For two decades we have worked in close partnerships with stakeholders in the public and private sectors to support the energy transition and advance solutions to climate challenges. We remain committed to playing an impactful role in the global transition to net zero emissions by 2050. 

Macquarie Group’s GEC event series brings together leaders in industry, finance and policy to discuss the challenges, opportunities and progress in the global transition to net zero.​

Our capabilities and commitments

With extensive expertise and experience in scaling energy transition solutions, we are using our deep capabilities in energy, infrastructure, technology and commodities to support climate action.



Global energy transition financial adviser by deal value1


invested or arranged in green energy assets for the year ended 31 March 20242,3

Learn about some of the ways in which we are working with partners around the world to support decarbonisation efforts and invest in the energy transition.​

Supporting practical climate solutions

Developing and investing in green energy

Annual clean energy investment worldwide will need to almost triple from $US1.8 trillion in 2023 to $US4.5 trillion by 2030 to put the world on track for reaching net zero emissions by 2050.4 Working alongside clients and investors, we are developing, constructing, financing and managing green energy projects across the world.

Enabling the energy transition of customers, clients and our portfolio companies

We are supporting clients to develop new approaches to accelerate their energy transition. This includes providing critical risk and capital solutions to commodity and energy suppliers, helping customers with compliance and voluntary carbon markets, supporting the scaling-up of clean fuels and carbon capture and storage, and a specialised electric vehicle buying service in Australia. We are also a leading global financial advisor in renewables infrastructure1 and are working with portfolio companies on their decarbonisation targets.

We recognise the science on climate change and the widespread disruption it is causing. We believe that we can contribute positively to the challenges and opportunities of climate change mitigation and adaptation through the financing of practical solutions driven by our core capabilities. 

We also believe that the transition must be managed, orderly and just, which is why we are supporting carbon intensive industries to reduce their emissions and continuing to work with oil and gas companies, in recognition that much of the world will depend on carbon-intensive industries for years to come.

Investing in adaptation and resilience

As the world’s largest infrastructure manager5 and a leading developer of new greenfield infrastructure, we are helping prepare communities for a changing world by designing climate resilience into new construction. At the same time, we are investing in the adaptation of the infrastructure we manage.

Aligning our activities with our net zero ambitions

We are committed to aligning our financing activity with the global goal of net zero emissions by 2050. We also target net zero in our own business operations across Scope 1 and 2 emissions by FY2025, while developing emissions reductions strategies for Scope 36 in line with industry guidance.

We have financed emission targets in place for oil/gas (upstream), motor vehicles, coal and residential mortgages sectors.

Targets in place cover over 80 per cent of our dollar exposures7 to carbon-intensive sectors.

Working in partnership to accelerate progress

Regardless of the solution or the sector, accelerating decarbonisation at pace and scale, in a way that preserves and generates value, requires strong partnerships. We’re actively engaged in global climate initiatives and work with partners in the private and public sector to advance climate solutions.

  1. In February 2024, Macquarie Capital was ranked #1 Global Energy Transition Financial Adviser by inspiratia for the 2023 calendar year by deal value. There can be no assurance that other providers would reach the same conclusions.
  2. PwC has provided limited assurance over this metric as detailed in the PwC independent assurance report available within Macquarie’s FY2024 Basis of Preparation for ESG Reporting. This also sets out the reporting boundaries, definitions and measurement methodologies for the assured metrics.
  3. On our balance sheet or under Macquarie management. Refer to Macquarie’s FY2024 Basis of Preparation for ESG Reporting for the definition of ‘green energy assets’.
  4. IEA (2023), World Energy Investment 2023, IEA, Paris, License: CC BY 4.0. Accessed September 2023.
  5. IPE Real Assets 2023 Top 100 Infrastructure Investment Managers 2023, published in July 2023. The ranking is the opinion of IPE Real Assets and not Macquarie. No such person creating the ranking is affiliated with Macquarie or is an investor in Macquarie-sponsored vehicles. IPE Real Assets surveyed and ranked global infrastructure investment managers. The ranking is based on infrastructure AUM as at 31 March 2023. AUM is defined by IPE Real Assets as the total gross asset value of all assets managed and committed capital (including uncalled). There can be no assurance that other providers or surveys would reach the same conclusions as the foregoing.
  6. When referring to ‘net zero’ in relation to our own business operations Scope 1 and 2 emissions ambition, and industry guidance, we are informed by recommendations from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) Corporate Net Zero Standard, Net-Zero Banking Alliance Supporting note: The Use of Carbon Credits in Climate Target Setting, and The Oxford Principles for Net Zero Aligned Carbon Offsetting. Own business operations’ Scope 3 covers Categories 1–8 operational value chain emissions as defined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard. It excludes financed emissions (Scope 3 Category 15).
  7. Refers to $A. Exposures include on‑balance sheet lending and equity investments. In addition, for motor vehicles, it includes novated leases. See Appendix 3 in 2023 Net Zero and Climate Risk Report for details.

Data points are accurate as of 31 March 2024 unless otherwise indicated.