Macquarie Capital Private Equity Investment Europe


Company background

Energetics provides last mile gas, electricity and water connections to new residential and commercial developments across the UK. It works closely with housebuilders, construction firms and utilities to deliver outstanding results for residential and commercial developments, and to support them for decades to come.

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Strategy Partnership Capital / Majority Equity
Sector Specialist Utility Infrastructure
Status Successful sale to Infracapital

What attracted us

  • Valuable asset base generating long-term recurring revenues
  • Established platform with true scale in UK market, generating highly attractive unit economics
  • Infrastructure characteristics not recognised by market

Our value creation strategy

  • Provide access to capital to support continued growth in asset base
  • Structure business for growth both in existing and new UK regions
  • Strengthen internal systems and professionalise to build a business capable of building yet greater scale
We would like to thank Macquarie for the support and financial backing they have provided to the company over the last five years. They have been instrumental to Energetics fulfilling its potential. I’d also like to thank Energetics’ employees, customers and suppliers for their continued support as we embark on the next phase of our journey to become the leading connections business in the UK."

Mike Pearce
Chief Executive Officer, Energetics

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